Since 1978, Western Turf has grown, cut, and sold the finest sod you'll find in Reno, Sparks, and Lake Tahoe. We hand-pick only top quality seed for our blends and mixes to create grass made for homes in our area. The result? Drought-tolerant, naturally cooling grass that performs as good as it looks. View our proprietary sod blends.
Western Turf is a local grower that holds a state of Nevada and California landscape contractors license. That said, we usually don't do installations unless it's something big – golf courses, ball parks or other large, recreational installations. If you're a homeowner looking for a hand, we can still help! Give us a call, and we’d be happy to provide you with a list of licensed contractors that we personally vouch for.
All Saturday sod pickups must be placed and paid for by 2pm on the preceding Friday. This gives us the opportunity to guarantee fresh cut sod in stock for all of our customers and limits the amount of waste we accumulate.
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Traditionally, Kentucky bluegrass has been the top performer in most all aspects. Perennial ryegrass and new generation dwarf fescues (of the tall fescue family) make up the other cool season grasses that do well in our area. These grasses can be grown alone but are usually found in blends or mixes.
We have experimented with buffalo grass and some newer, so called “low water use” varieties, but we have not found a product we can stand behind and guarantee for our customers. We keep trying anything new, though, so we are always on the cutting edge.
Typically, perennial ryegrass is finer textured than Kentucky bluegrass, greens up about a month sooner in the spring, but doesn’t like temperatures above 85 degrees very much. Dwarf fescues are a heavier-bodied grass that is very deep rooting, thus giving it better drought tolerance than the other cool season grasses. It has better traffic durability than the other cool season grasses. In our Blue/Fescue mix we use special varieties of Kentucky bluegrass that assist with the mending but will not take over the fescue plants.
Spring and fall are ideal times to plant sod. The grasses we grow here are cool season grasses, so when the temperatures are cooler and colder it’s not as stressful on the grass. When we cut it out of the ground, it does not require a lot of water to get established and there is no heat stress involved. In fact, in the fall the top of the grass goes dormant but the root system is always alive. It grows the most and the quickest in the cooler colder months and it’s well established before the heat of the summer. Spring and fall planting requires about 70% less water to get it established.
Our standard rolls are 10 square feet each. They measure 5 feet long and 2 feet wide. Each roll weighs about 50 pounds.
Western Turf and Hardscapes operates a large fleet of trucks. Our sod farm is local, making it easy for us to deliver Monday through Saturday, both mornings and afternoons! Each order is harvested fresh the afternoon before your morning delivery and your afternoon deliveries are cut and shipped straight to your home. Two days notice guarantees your morning delivery; afternoon deliveries can be called in the same day. Call us in the morning and we’ll deliver that afternoon (if we have room in the schedule)! We stock our yard on Barron Way with fresh sod twice a day, so call and let us know how many square feet you need and we’ll hold it for you.
The term soil amendment refers to any material mixed into a soil and is the most important thing you can do to grow a healthy lawn. We recommend using either humus or our Triple Mix. With humus, rototill to a depth of 6 to 8 inches for 3 to 5 cubic yards per 1,000 sq ft of sod you’re planting. With our Triple Mix, simply lay 4 to 6 inches of compacted Triple Mix on top of your existing soil. We deliver both the humus and Triple Mix Monday through Saturday with a two-day notice, or you can pick up during our normal office hours. For more information on soil, check our Education page.