During inclement weather conditions, the office could close early.
Please call ahead of time for updated pricing info, product availability, and hours. For mailing, please use PO Box 20065 Reno, NV 89515 for correspondence.
If you call after business hours you can leave a general message or you can direct your message to an individual’s voice mail.
Thank you for your business and support.
Our showroom at 3785 Barron Way will close 15 minutes early Monday through Friday. As a result, all product and material pickups must be handled 15 minutes before our posted closing time.
Our offices will remain open during the posted hours if you need to place an order or have a question.
We no longer accept returns on Saturdays. Please direct all product returns to yard hours Monday through Friday.
All Saturday sod pickups must be placed and paid for by 2pm on the preceding Friday. This gives us the opportunity to guarantee fresh cut sod in stock for all of our customers and limits the amount of waste we accumulate. We appreciate your understanding! We’re always here if you have any questions.
We appreciate your support and understanding as we make these changes. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us. Thank you!